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Steps to Prepare Any-night-of-the-week Apple chutney

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Apple chutney recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Apple chutney

Before you jump to Apple chutney recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Green Living In The Kitchen Can save you Cash.

It was not really that long ago that hippies and tree huggers were the only ones to show concern about the well-being of the environment. That has completely changed now, since we all appear to have an awareness that the planet is having difficulties, and we all have a part to play in fixing it. According to the specialists, to clean up the natural environment we are all going to have to make some improvements. This must happen soon and living in approaches more friendly to the environment should become a mission for every individual family. Read on for some methods to go green and save energy, largely in the kitchen.

You may possibly prefer cooking food with your oven, but using a microwave instead will cost you much less money. Maybe the realization that an oven utilizes 75% more energy will stimulate you to use the microwave more. In comparison with your stove, you can make boiled water and also steamed vegetables faster, and use quite a bit less energy, by using countertop appliances. You would be forgiven for thinking that an automatic dishwasher uses a lot more energy than washing dishes the old-fashioned method, but you would be wrong. You get the highest energy savings by fully loading the dishwasher just before commencing a wash cycle. Don't dry the dishes with heat, utilize the cool dry or air dry functions to increase the money you save.

The kitchen alone offers you many small ways by which energy and money can be saved. It is pretty straightforward to live green, of course. A lot of it truly is merely using common sense.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to apple chutney recipe. You can have apple chutney using 5 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Apple chutney:

  1. Take 2 of Apples.
  2. Get 1 teaspoon of chilli powder (not heaped).
  3. Get 1 teaspoon of salt (not heaped).
  4. You need 1 of garlic clove.
  5. Get Pinch of coriander.

Steps to make Apple chutney:

  1. Wash the Apple thoroughly, I'm using red apple preferred green apples..
  2. Cut the apples in 4 sections. And take whatever you can from the core too..
  3. Cut each sideways so the are long slices, turn them around and dice them up. To same to each piece..
  4. Wash the coriander and peel the garlic and wash it too..
  5. Next cut the garlic by dicing them. So there are not big chunks, but small blocks. And cut the coriander leaves..
  6. Add in 1 teaspoon of chilli powder. (it is down to your taste).
  7. Add 1 teaspoon of salt. (again it is down to your taste) It's to give it that sour chutney flavour..
  8. Mix it all up with the apples. Finally you should be left with......

I ended up freezing half of it to use this fall! I also added the juices and drippings from the pork chops into the chutney while it was cooking; gave it a great. Looking for an apple chutney recipe? This traditional chutney recipe tastes delicious and is On this page you'll also find printable labels for your chutney jars :-) Apple Chutney Ingredients. This Indian Apple Chutney is a traditional dark, thick, rich chunky sweet and sour chutney.

If you find this Apple chutney recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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